Botany Sem-I Paper-I:- Microbial Diversity, Algae And Fungi
Botany Sem-II Paper-II:- Diversityof Archaegoniates And Plant Anatomy
Botany Sem-III Paper-III Plant Taxonomy and Embryology
Botany Sem-IV Paper-IV Plant Physiology And Metabolism
Botany Sem-V Paper-V:- Cell Biology, Genetics, Plant Breeding
Botany Sem-V Paper-VI:- Plant Ecology & PhytoGeography
Botany Sem-VI Paper- VII Elective-A:- Organic Farming & Sustainable Agriculture
Botany Sem- VI Paper- VII Elective -B:- Nursery, Gardening & Floriculture
Botany Sem - VI Paper - VII Elective- C:- Plant Tissue Culture & its Biotechnological Applications
Botany Sem-VI Paper -VIII A-1 Pant Diversity And Human Welfare
Botany Sem-VI Paper-VIIIA-2 Ethobotany And Medicinal Botany
Botany Sem VI Paper -VIII A- 3Pharmacognosy And Phytochemistry
Botany Sem VI Paper VIII B-1 Biological Instumentation And Methodology
Botany SemVI Paper VIII B-2 Mushroom Cultivation And Technology